Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Kacang Kuda

U. M. N. O.


JEBAT DERHAKA!!!!. Memang sejarah berulang semula, Pisang berbuah 2 kali. Melayu munkin akan lesap di bumi sendiri. Si Tuah tersalah cakap. Tapi nyata ini telah berlaku di akhir zaman. Yang disanjung dahulu memenunjukan belang, tak sanggup di abaikan, masih dipahut perasaan riak dan besar diri. Keimanan Jebat telah hilang dan terbawa2 dengan kuasa megah yang di serap iblis laknatullah. Di fikirkan betul tapi nyata salah,tapi dah terlanjut terpaksa teruskan, takut2 malu pulak? Jatuh air muka di sisi rakyat dan dunia .

Ini lah yang dah terjadi sekarang. Permerintah unggul, “kuku Besi” yang boleh dikata kan dynamic, man of principle, shrewd , powerful, firm , hebat dan macam macam lagi perkataan yang terro terro yang disanjungi rakyat sendiri dan juga dunia . Kini nyata sekali telah berubah. Prinsip yang dipegang buleh bertukartukar macam mainan kanak2 atau macam pikiran kanak2 atau macam orang tua nyanok. Kenapa lah Boss…..? What is happening to you..? Why are you doing this..? When are you going to stop..? Don’t you see that you are breaking up the Malays? Don’t you feel any love for the Party? Or you only love yourself, nak jadi Hero. Tak sedar ke, apa yang cek’ dah buat? Takkan lah tak tau, kan you orang yang berpandangan jauh, pandai, celek, wibawa . Or cek buat tak tau je…? Is there something that you’re up to..?

Tak berapa hari dulu I was having a conversation with some friends. One of them a senior person, an ex Government official, Chinese who said . He’d used to admire you as one of the best leader Malaysia ever had. Who had brought us to where we are today. Tapi after your speech in regards to you changing your mind about Najib, he also is not the right person to take over the helm. He said, I just lost my respect for that old man. And he even said that you are creating a very uneasy situation for UMNO and even among the non Malays.

I have also lost my respect for you Mr. Matt. Rightly enough, you are worst than Anwar Ibrahim. You also did not respect Hussien; you can’t wait to take over. You back stabbed him and you pushed him to the wall. Tapi being what he was, he let you pass. Without saying anything. So as to “berbudi bahasa” and not create any problems within the Party. Even with all the Silent harassment and media tactics you put upon him.

You used the “Insurgency” warfare tactic and put a lot of people who were against you politically under “ISA”. Not that I am against “ISA” but the way you used the law to fight back at your enemies not for the party but for yourself interest. You created your G7 group, and build up your empire. I’m sure you know who the people in the group are. (Daim, Tajuddin, Amin, Halim, Shamsuddin, etc) That’s “Nepotism & Cronyism”. You didn’t allow your children into politics but they built their business empire around you and using your name (discreetly I assume, just knowing that they were your sons, they can get anything they want in business.) I’m sure your orang kampong Mr. AK is there, ever willing to contribute. Ya … kan…!

Now your saying Leadership not doing the right things because kalah election. Macam lah awak buat semua nya betul. You are the “Main” reason behind the defeat. People have now realize it is you, who is destroying the government, because of your ego maybe or because some of your project was pulled back maybe, or because can’t stand that someone is doing much, much better than you did or just plain envious. For once I think Karpal is right, please retire gracefully like the others. And please fight your battle yourself don’t use your son lah… or daughter for god’s sake. Fight like a man. I for one, do not agree of people trying to patch up with pak lah. It should be you that should apologize to the real UMNO.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Kacang Rebus

Well, it seems the that the election is over. Now comes the exciting part. PKR,DAP, PAS etc has successfully taken control of 5 states. All their parties has gone to elect their rep in various state government. They are so so so happy. Karpal Singh nearly jumped out of his wheel chair I heard. At last DAP's strategies have materialise. The feeling is like a child having in his clutches on his first racing toy. Anyway, there were some initial glitches during the presentation of Representatives or assemblymen, to the various sultanate of each state for both the opposition and the Barisan too specially states like Terengganu and Perlis.

Penang , yours faithfully , Mr Lim Jr' has taken the Chief Ministers post. The first statement he made was to do away with the NEP. The new state govt will revamp, restructure, reorganise the state structured policies and procedures. He says the wealth would be equally distributed. All projects will be open tender and participant will be selected on an equal playing field. (Which means to say, only Chinese players and business will bloom. ) Why???? Here why.

Currently, are the Malays, Tambi's and DKK's on the same level of playing field? Absolutely not. So how are you going to bid in a competative price when you definetly know that all major supplier of Hardware's, raw materials, machinery etc and financial capital are strongly held by the Chinese. There is no way that a non Chinese organisation will be successful in any bids or tender. How can they be competitive???? Where do they see the strength of Melayu's and the tambi's , DKK's . Now they cannot simply award ant projects to the Malays because there is no more "extra privileges" for the Malays. Even before this, the Chinese has always been doing all the project, behind a Malay organisation. The least form of income they could acquire. The front companies are Malay owned, even Chinese companies , Malay Dato's are appointed Non Executive Directors, lobby for project , implemented by Chinese. The chain of reactions in the process are all given to them. I visited a friend's office. He's one of the Project managers, 80 % of the staffs are malays, company CEO & COO are chinese, directors Malays, Exec Director Chinese Finance Dir Chinese. Contracts acquired from Government Organisations. What the Fuck. lah... When is this going to stop.???

The star reports on 7th April 08, Theresa Cock, the so call glamour girl of selangor, intends to set up "A CHINA VILLAGE" IN SELANGOR. It will include International school, University Commercial and Housing unit and other Infrastructures to be built by the CHINESE PEOPLE, FOR CHINESE so call investors but in the state of selangor. And her other college RONNIE insist that improving the investment environment is crucial for Malaysia. Wah... so teruk one Malaysia, must make more Chinese from CHINA come and invest and slowly, slowly dominate lah.. man, man looh. Sini punya olang kasi tanah loh, banyak babut loh...Itu MB velly gud loh. Sini punya "new village" lapat g'lant loh..

One thing thou', Chinese are not like the Kelinga's. When it comes to business they are competitors but for their "homeland" they group together and help together. Well, anywhere in the world you be able to find "A CHINA TOWN", right/????. that's the game plan, dominate .....laah. They let a few of them loose in politics and the rest of em' support financially.

What you tink???????